• Recovery room

“Ramona’s Recovery Room,” a weekly Facebook Live broadcast, was born from Ramona’s burning desire to share the love, wisdom and hope that shined on her after her mom, Wheezy, was diagnosed with dementia. “As I became my mother’s mom,” Ramona said, “I stepped into a frightening role that affected every aspect of my personal and professional life.”

An only child, she had to figure out how to be a patient, loving caregiver 24/7 and she had to face the eventual loss of her mom and best friend. Desperate, she reached out for, and accepted help. Using her gift for storytelling, Ramona shares lessons learned along the way as a caregiver for an ailing parent and a daughter who lost a mom and best friend.

Finding Women who Care in #RecoveryMode

Regrets in #RecoveryMode

Dishonesty in #RecoveryMode

Early Signs of Trouble in #RecoveryMode


Difficult Choices in #RecoveryMode

Family Grief in #RecoveryMode

Loneliness in #recoverymode


Are Guilt and Grief Besties in #RecoveryMode

Learning New Lessons in #RecoveryMode

Looking for Answers in #RecoveryMode

Celebrating Little Victories in #RecoveryMode


Love Survival Tools in #RecoveryMode

Q&A Day in #RecoveryMode

Holiday Expectations in #RecoveryMode

Quitting in #RecoveryMode


Believing in Healing in #RecoveryMode

Procrastination in #RecoveryMode

Giving Up Control in #RecoveryMode

Facing Resistance in #RecoveryMode


Family Diseases in #RecoveryMode

Understanding the Disease in #RecoveryMode


Bravery in #recoverymode

1 Hour at a Time in #RecoveryMode

Pain from the Past in #RecoveryMode

Making Loved Ones Unhappy


In the Middle in #recoverymode

Keeping an Open Mind

Life Comes at You in #RecoveryMode

New Life in #RecoveryMode


Relationships in #RecoveryMode

Who Is Driving in #RecoveryMode


Who is in Charge in #RecoveryMode

Finding the Easy Way in #RecoveryMode

Finding a Support Group in #RecoveryMode

One Day at a Time in #RecoveryMode



Painful Changes


get in touch

Connect with Ramona via email for interview requests, booking enquiries or just to touch base. Find upcoming events and follow her on social media for information, laughter, empathy and inspiration.